The Romanian Hub of TInnGO, together with the Alba Iulia’s TInngIDLab were involved today in one of the most interesting national mobility workshops of the season in Romania: ”Smart City- The micromobility a necessity for sustainable development of the cities”, organized by The Coalition for Digital Economy, Romania.
The Romanian Prime Minister, Florin Câțu, the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests of Romania, Mr. Tánczos Barna, mayors and executives of important cities in Romania, experts in urban and mobility development together with the representatives of the Romanian Police and private micromobility supply companies were all together involved in an open and relevant debate, sharing their opinions, plans and actions for growing micromobility in Romania in the most sustainable way.
Invited as a speaker by the TInnGo local team, Mr Gabriel Plesa, the mayor of Alba Iulia had an important intervention within the micromobility panel.
“ Micromobility is now growing faster than car-sharing or ride-hailing and is poised to become a common way for people to travel within cities like Alba Iulia. It is green and sustainable, it is fun, cheap and convenient. We just cannot ignore it as a trend, even a new way of movement and we have to take it into account for all our next mobility strategy. In Alba Iulia micro-mobility is turning into a macro-advantage” Alba Iulia Mayor said. Miss Maria Elena Seemann, the Public Administrator of Alba Iulia Municipality added: “ We’re living in an age and dealing with a paradigm where everything has to happen at a big level, ‘macro.’ And where everyone feels compelled to think the same, big, ‘think big.’ But we happen to forget that all this big or macro is composed of many of small. So we prefer, in Alba Iulia, the variant ‘think small’, to see in the first phase small solutions and applicable immediately than to wait years in a row until the finalization of some ‘macro’ plans. E-scooters, e-bikes or conventional dock or dockless bikes, ride sharing systems and apps-they are all working and helping us and the environment, as well. Micromobility is not, as yet, but it can be, it has to be the smartest way of urban mobility”.
The Romanian TinnGo Hub keeps on creating events like the one today and sustaining smart mobility in all its forms.