The TInnGO project has created 8 interactive training modules focusing on different aspects related to the project.

You can watch the TInnGO webinar on training materials and guidelines to learn more on the TInnGO project, become familiar with each of the training modules and visualize a demo of the Gender Smart Mobility module.

If you wish to undertake the TInnGO training, click on the links below.

Interactive training modules


1. TinnGO’s scope and components

  • Observatory
  • Data repository
  • Website
  • Open innovation platform
  • Introduction to concepts (gender, diversity, smart mobility etc)

2. Who contributed to TinnGO and in what way

Gender smart mobility

1. Concepts of gender smart mobility
2. What is gender and diversity mainstreaming?
3. How TinnGO approaches gender and diversity dimension
4. Mobility patterns by gender
5. Requirements / indicators of gender smart mobility
6. Quiz to help deepen knowledge and understanding

Methods to measure gender issues around intersectional analysis

1. What is intersectional analysis
2. Methods to measure gender issues
3. Examples, case studies, best practices in the EU
4. Links on different equality tools
5. Suggestions to enhance gender and diversity mainstreaming

Responsible research

1. Why adopting an intersectional approach in research is important
2. Practical ways to become more intersectional in your work
3. Case studies / scenarios of people’s mobility challenges
4. Gender and diversity disaggregated data


1. How TinnGo approached the transport sector and what we learnt
2. Barriers women face in the transport sector
3. Key points regarding women’s careers in the transport sector
4. Best practices to boost women participation in smart mobility areas
5. Recommendations to widen gender and diversity in transport


1. Initiatives to promote gender balance in STEM
2. Good practices from project partner countries to draw women in STEM
3. Statistics
4. Knowledge transfer to academia from other sectors
5. Recommendations to reduce gender and diversity gaps in education


1. How can gender smart mobility projects be evaluated?
2. Why do we need evaluation?
3. What is the logic model?
4. Practical examples to get familiar with gender smart indicators

Gender and diversity action plans - GADAPs

1. Expand the strategy of Gender Action Plans (GAPs) with a stronger focus on diversity
2. Introduce perspectives on gender and diversity in the field of transport and mobility
3. Present the methodology of GaDAPs
4. Provide examples of conducting GaDAPs in practice

Coming soon!