Here are a few of the common questions that we get about the TInnGO project. We will add to this list when we get more FAQs.
Contact us if any of your questions are not answered here.
About the TInnGO project
What is TInnGO?
The TInnGO project, consisting of a consortium of 20 partners spread across Europe and led by Coventry University, is developing a framework and mechanisms for a sustainable game change in European transport using the transformative strategy of gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
What is the TInnGO Observatory?
It is a Pan European information platform for gender smart transport innovation that provides a nexus for data collection, reports, scientific publications, news, surveys and other initiatives. You can find more information here.
How can I contribute to the TInnGO Observatory?
You can help us develop the observatory by sending us data, insights, reports, training materials or tools related to gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility. Get in touch here.
What are the TInnGO hubs?
The TInnGO hubs are an elementary component of the project. The TInnGO Hub network consists of 10 Hubs in 13 different countries of the European Union. Some of the Hubs are operated by cooperation of multiple institutions.
They promote the development of gender smart mobility through activities at different levels in the different countries of the European Union. They apply qualitative, quantitative and design research methods, combining hands-on knowledge, concrete actions and best practices to develop gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility and solutions through associated idea factories.
Discover our 10 national hubs:
What topics the TInnGO hubs specialise in?
The TInnGO Hubs specialise in a broad array of topics, such as mobility data, transport patterns, transport user needs and diverse mobility needs, new forms of mobility, shared modes (bike sharing, car sharing, etc), participation culture, women’s safety and security, employment trends, gender equal employment in future transport systems, women entrepreneurship in smart mobility, smart biking, gender impact assessments of new technologies, gender mainstreaming in policy and development of gender sensitive policies.
Consult the list of TInnGO Hubs and their area of specialisation here.
What are the TInnGIdLabs?
The TInnGIdLabs/FabLAbs are Ideas Factories, based around Living Labs principles, that will aim at supporting and enabling people to express creative and transformative ideas around gendered, inclusive smart mobility innovations, and to study open innovation and user innovation processes in real-life environments.
They will address issues related to innovation in modelling, planning, rights and policy making, and will conduct their work according to the principles of deliberate and participatory democracy. In the end the work carried out in the TInnGIdLabs should lead to a visible step change in local practice.
What is the TInnGO Open Innovation Platform?
The TInnGO Open Innovation Platform is an online space that allows the aggregation and channelling of innovative ideas. The TInnGIdLabs will use this platform to carry out their activities.
The platform is currently being developed and will be launched very soon on the community section of the website.
About the concepts
Here are a few of the common questions that we get about gender and transport concepts. We will add to this list when we get more FAQs.
Contact us if any of your questions are not answered here.
What does Gender and Smart Mobility mean?
Smart Transport + Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming = Gender Smart Mobility
It is not only the integration of smart transport with a gender and diversity perspective, but also the intersections of the three terms. In that sense TInnGO understands Gender Smart Mobility as what is created in the actual encounter between diversity, gender and smart mobility, where all components mutually inform and change each other.
What is a Gender and Diversity Action Plan – GaDAP?
A GaDAP is an integrated planning tool to include both gender and other categories, such as age and ethnicity, within a project, organisation or community. A GaDAP should set up visions, aims, targets and indicators and schedule implementation of measures, including awareness activities, campaigns, etc.
TInnGO is using an intersectional approach and moving from an inclusive focus on gender to focus on gender and diversity. Therefore, the project will also move from Gender Action Plans (GAPs) to Gender and Diversity Action Plans (GaDAPs).
What is an intersectional analysis?
It is an analytical and empirical use of gender as intertwined with other socio-cultural categories and assessment of the implications of intersecting categories in various geo-political contexts.
Intersectionality aims to advance the understanding of gender and transport by including more variables, which show how transport needs depend on age, income, and location, but also time factors and safety issues as well as needs of control or relaxation. Intersectionality can thus identify the multiple factors that lead to diversities within groups of women and men and their travel behaviours, choice of transport mode and the barriers to access transport.
What is gender mainstreaming?
Gender mainstreaming refers to the (re)organisation, improvement, development and evaluation of policy processes, so that a gender equality perspective is incorporated in all policies at all levels and all stages, by the actors normally involved in policymaking.
TInnGO advances the strategy of gender mainstreaming into diversity mainstreaming, meaning that we keep gender in mind but explore how different categories influence travel and transportation needs.