The way forward is public transport

The way forward is public transport

The way forward is public transport

Due to global health emergency in 2020 and 2021 we had to rethink some of the usual modes of transport. Working from home reduced significantly traffic, allowing more space and time for cycling and walking. Cities during pandemic were cleaner and quieter. As we are emerging from pandemic it is time to ask a question: what sort of transport future do we want? What kind of cities do we want? The COVID-19 crisis has made it clear that we need urgent investments in public transport to deliver safe, greener, reliable and affordable services for the millions of residents living in our cities. This is a critical moment for our transport system. Will we slip into a future of ever-rising car use? Or can we build a brighter transport future – one that is greener and fairer, that connects people rather than leaving them behind, that gives us clean air to breathe and a planet fit for the next generation?

The Way Forward campaign is calling on the Government to continue supporting public transport, to invest in making it better, and to encourage people back on board. Please email your MP about the importance of supporting and improving public transport, and making it the attractive option for people to get back on board.

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