Solenza Lazar: my experience with TInnGO

Solenza Lazar: my experience with TInnGO

Solenza Lazar: my experience with TInnGO

Working with TInnGo through my internship year was instrumental to prepare me for my future in the design industry. Having previously done a product design internship, I was already familiar with the work ethic I had to have. However, since I had never worked directly with researchers, this year taught me to better communicate my designs and ideas so people who were not familiar with the design process could understand and appreciate the output of each project. Due to the pandemic, travelling and working with people face to face was impossible, so everything was done online. Despite these unforeseen circumstances, I still had the opportunity to work with different European hubs, which allowed me to get different perspectives and learn about different cultures and how they may affect the design outcome. Finally, working with TInnGo has opened my eyes on the importance of having strong ideas and provoking discussions through design. I am very grateful to have been an intern at TInnGo, as I feel that I have gained valuable skills and knowledge to help me in my future design career.

My projects:

Metro design

Bus stop information platform

Bus Seat Illustration

Anti-harassment campaign

Sports at bus stops

The creative corner

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