The greener, the better: AIM TinnGO ID Lab Romania is promoting and practising sustainable mobility

The greener, the better: AIM TinnGO ID Lab Romania is promoting and practising sustainable mobility

The greener, the better: AIM TinnGO ID Lab Romania is promoting and practising sustainable mobility

Giving up cars or conventional transport and replacing them with bicycles, electric cars, scooters or even walking has become a habit every Friday in Alba Iulia, Romania, among the employees of the municipality.

The idea came from the local TInnGO project team and quickly turned into a challenge for employees of other institutions in the city. “ The Green Friday” is more than just an action to promote sustainable mobility, it is a small step towards changing transport choices as they were known and making them a way of life for the future.

Mr Gabriel Plesa, Mayor of Alba Iulia and directly involved, himself, in the Green Friday campaign, said: “the power of personal example is more important than any document or strategy elaborated on hundreds of pages. It’s about applying everything you promote and showing that you mean what you say. People see that and the chance of replicating your model is greater- and greener if you’d like- than if they read countless treatises on the subject. That’s what we do in Green Friday at Alba Iulia, we apply what we promote and the idea we believe in”.

In the long term, the ambition of Alba Iulia Municipality is to transform today greener in the future greenest and turn the city into one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly cities in Romania.

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