Ronald Jurianto: my experience with TInnGO

Ronald Jurianto: my experience with TInnGO

Ronald Jurianto: my experience with TInnGO

My internship with TInnGO has been an eye-opener. It was my first time designing as a professional. I had to learn and adapt quickly on multiple occasions. During the year, I was constantly reminded of the importance of empathy as a designer. The main challenges I faced were difficulties in collaboration and social interactions due to the remote nature of working. Despite that, I am very glad that I was given the chance to work with other hubs of TInnGO and gained different perspectives on gender and diversity aspects in design. Overall, I am very glad I joined TInnGO for my internship programme as I got to learn a lot from people and about things I otherwise would never encounter on my course.

Please share your feedback on some of my design concepts:

The Friendly Toilets

Melodic Bus Stop

Magic Board Bus Stop

Bus Feedback Mini App Companion

Bus Feedback Interface

Hydrophobic Rucksack, Tote Bag, and Umbrella

Hexagon Rear Deck

Bus Floor Lamp  

 Suitcase Friendly Seats and Side-wall Storage Pockets

Very Light Rail

Child Seating Solution for Shared Bicycles

Accessing Public Transport Information through Home TV

Nursery Pavilion

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