Women in Rail and Railway Industry Association launch equality charter

Women in Rail and Railway Industry Association launch equality charter

Women in Rail and Railway Industry Association launch equality charter


Women in Rail and Railway Industry Association (RIA) have announced the launch of an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Charter across the rail sector. The charter has been backed by over 100 organizations, such as Alstom, Hitachi Rail, CAF and Bombardier Transportation. It will set an example for a commitment to work together and build a more balanced and higher-performing rail sector.

Last week, during RIA’s Annual Conference, the following charter agreements were stated, such as appointing a senior leadership team member as an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion and agreeing on an action plan to monitor and report on the progress made. Opportunities for training and education of employees should also be provided with supporting the progression of diverse individuals into senior roles to improve representation at the industry’s executive level.

It should allow creating a culture that fosters inclusion and provides a safe space for all employees to talk openly. Recruitment and progression processes should be made accessible and attractive to all individuals to attract, retain, and develop people of all backgrounds, ages, genders, and identities.

Read the news here (source of the picture).

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