TRB Standing Committee on Women and Gender in Transportation (AME20) is organizing on Wednesday, November 18 from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM ET the webinar “Findings from Mainstreaming Gender Data“.
This webinar will demonstrate the importance of collecting and analyzing gender data to achieve greater mobility, health, and quality of life for women and LGBTQ. The webinar will provide a diverse and global perspective on the ways in which women and LGBTQ people experience restrictions, risks, indignities, and inequities while navigating COVID-19 and the transportation system, and will examine the ways in which our approaches to transportation research, planning, policy, and design can be reimagined. Session attendees will be encouraged to ask questions during this moderated event.
The webinar is part of the TRB Standing Committee on Women and Gender in Transportation (AME20) webinar series with collaboration from other TRB committees. It is Co-Sponsored by two TRB Standing Committees: Traveler Behavior and Values Committee (AEP30) and Behavioral Processes Subcommittee AEP30(4).
Register here:
Questions? Contact Sheila Mitra-Sarkar (
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