Women’s social and economic empowerment depends on the ability to move about freely and safely. Women’s mobility choices and their ability to access jobs are influenced by a combination of infrastructure, transport services, and community and household factors. It is also essential to recognize that women use transport modes, assess public space safety, and make employment decisions very differently depending on their social standing, ethnic background and geographical location.
This webinar will present research from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, India, and North Macedonia to unpack mobility among different groups of women and offer various practical recommendations for improving their mobility.
These are the topics of this webinar held on 18 November 2020, 09:00 – 10:00 ET. This event is part of a webinar series that feature experts from across the World Bank Group (WBG), presenting the latest evidence and innovation and its implications for policies and programs to help close gaps between women and men, boys and girls.
Registration and more information are available at this link.