TInnGo (www.tinngo.eu) is celebrating EU’s International Day of Rural Women this 15th of October, inviting everyone to join us for a special webinar discussing matters of rurality and gender. Our special guests will be presenting their works, discussing their experiences, and answering your questions. We will be debating gendered rural experiences in Scotland, Northampton, and Northumberland, as well an overview of EU’s rurality and a close look at Serbians’ gendered rural transport issues.
A special interactive panel/workshop will close our webinar sessions, featuring the director of WiRE – Women in Rural Enterprise (https://www.wireuk.org/), Polly Gibb, discussing her experiences in supporting women’s rural network in the UK.
Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/webinar-sessions-eus-international-day-of-rural-women-tickets-124385744109
Please note that in Central European Time (CET) the event starts at 10am, and 9am for the British Summer TIME (BST).