The German TInnGO-Hub has prepared an interview questionnaire to analyse whether and which participation measures are carried out in the context of the mobility planning process and to what extent they are oriented towards the gender and diversity needs of the target groups.
What is the aim of the interviews?
- to provide an overview of applied measures of gender- and diversity-sensitive participation culture and data collection in institutions, companies and organisations in the transport/mobility sector
- to provide an overview of the extent to which the users of transport/mobility services are involved in gender- and diversity-sensitive participation culture and data collection measures within the transport/mobility sector
- to identify gaps and potentials for new approaches in the planning and implementation of gender- and diversity-sensitives participation culture measures and data collection
Who can participate in the interviews?
- employees working in the transport/mobility sector (e.g. transport companies, service providers etc.)
And/ Or
- (potential) users of public transport/ mobility means
How to participate?
Please contact the TInnGO-project members of the German Hub:
Cathleen Schöne
Research Fellow
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Sebastian Spundflasch
Research Fellow
Technische Universität Ilmenau
The interview questionnaire is available in German and English.
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