Join us this Friday, from 11am until 1pm, to participate in a series of talks by artists and designers about ‘Active Engagement’ – d...
Le mois de septembre sera un mois très mouvementé pour le Hub français de TInnGO! Nous organisons en effet plein d’activités avec des acteurs lo...
French below The French Hub is hosting a workshop on Monday September 7th to develop a Gender and Diversity Action Plan with local stakeholders fro...
Against all pandemic odds, the TInnGO project keeps on evolving in Romania. Recently, the Romanian hub of TInnGO, through the TInnGIDLab activitie...
LGI Innovation Durable et Femmes en Mouvements vous invitent sur la plateforme d’événements en ligne Zoom pour une rencontre conviviale autour d...
Click here to watch Commonplace’s webinar exploring future scenarios for a post-lockdown UK. They discuss, among many things, how active travel – walk...
The unequal gender distribution in transport sector is closely related with the gender disproportionality in the STEM related study fields. This field...
The UK TInnGO Hub celebrated the International Women’s Day with West Midlands Women’s Alliance – a unique network of women working i...
The Baltic Hub of the TInnGO project, which is based in Vilnius, held a focus group meeting on 10th January in Smart Continent headquarters. The parti...
In November 2019, the Scandinavian Hub held a workshop on biking for all with TInnGO partners and a number of Scandinavian stakeholders working in the...