Tinngo’s Greek Hub under Lever’s Development Consultants is organizing a focus group discussion with women users of private and public transport in Th...
Tinngo’s Greek Hub under Lever’s Development Consultants is conducting a mystery shopping survey in order to assess Thessaloniki’s bus transportation ...
In November 2019, the Scandinavian Hub held a workshop on biking for all with TInnGO partners and a number of Scandinavian stakeholders working in the...
The Scandinavian Hub will supervise a master thesis on spatial planning in cooperation with Radboud University. The thesis will serve as input f...
The Scandinavian Hub is in the process of setting up interviews, focus groups and street surveys on bike sharing covering Linköping in Sweden and Cope...
The 20 entities taking part in the TInnGO project are making progress in the building of a Pan-European Observatory for boosting gender equality and d...