Baltic HUB is ready to greet new members

Baltic HUB is ready to greet new members

Baltic HUB is ready to greet new members

Baltic hub gender equality and diversity

The Baltic hub is based in Vilnius, Lithuania, and covers all three Baltic countries on the matter of the gender equality and diversity in the field of the future transport. The hub is analyzing the railway transport, air transport and road transport sector in order to identify the issues on gender, equality and other diversity of the employees of smart transportation field. The main goal is to find the corresponding solutions to make the employment sector of the future transport systems more inclusive in the matter of gender, race, age and other diversity. Since there is a direct link between a career in the transport sector and the educational preferences after the school, the interest is also being pointed to the motivation of women on choosing STEM (science, technology, economics and mathematics) study field which presuppose general incentives for a career in transportation field. By doing so, the hub is seeking to identify the reason why women are choosing this study field less often than the men do. This will let to search for the ways how to encourage them to choose STEM studies along with opening new opportunities of working in the transport sector or contribute to the development of future transport perspectives. Hence, the ground reasons of the womanless transport sector will be addressed with the incentives to grasp the niches and means for changing the situation.

Being the proficiency –related activity center, the Baltic hub is open to the contribution of the corporations and institutions by their knowledge and participation in the project as a source of professional experience. Hence, everyone having some valuable information or transport-related companies or other stakeholders who are interested in gender issues and smart mobility development are welcome to contact us and play a special role in making a difference in this research and the society.

Contact us:
Ms Ieva Girdvainienė

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