Romanian Hub’s workshop: Web’n’work with TInnGO @ Alba Iulia University

Romanian Hub’s workshop: Web’n’work with TInnGO @ Alba Iulia University

Romanian Hub’s workshop: Web’n’work with TInnGO @ Alba Iulia University

Webinar & workshop, two working tools brought together in one new and more efficient concept: web’n’work – that was the response the Romanian Hub identified to continue its work in the pandemic difficult conditions. Initially scheduled as a live meeting in the all-new TInngIDLab set up within Alba Iulia, due to massive Covid19 restrictions in Alba Iulia and Alba county the event recently took place online with students from “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia.

The theme of the online session was promoting women entrepreneurship and employment in transport and smart mobility. The central ideas of the meeting focused on the design and management of educational projects and the promotion of successful women entrepreneurs, leaders in transport and smart mobility, thus providing arguments for as many women as possible to choose a career in this sector. In the webinar session, an entire “collection” of motivational portraits of entrepreneur women active in the field of transportation and smart mobility was presented to the attendants together with the researches made by TInnGO Romanian Hub dedicated to education and employment. Furthermore, the workshop part focused on mentorship.  The students and their teacher had the opportunity to interact directly with Mrs. Aura Răducu, the director of ADI Public Transport Bucharest- Ilfov, Romania, who shared her knowledge and vast experience. All the next events and work of the Romanian TInnGO Hub and Alba Iulia TInnGID Living Lab continue exclusively online for the moment, in terms of respecting the health and safety conditions.

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