Last week, on the 18th and 19th of February, we had our students presenting their prototype to our group of elders. An evaluation from the elders was conducted, analysing how much of their feedback and needs was incorporated into the product. A wide selection of prototypes was presented, from smart walking sticks to resting areas better suited for older commuters in crowded areas.
A focus group was conducted with both groups, in order to analyse successes and how to improve codesigning activities between designers and an intended under-represented population. A quiz to students was applied prior to commencing the activities and at its last stage, showing a positive increase in their empathy. Students pointed out how interesting it was to work with minority groups and the possibilities behind creative and empathic design. Guidelines to improve collaboration between designers and diversity groups will be presented as a paper for The 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, happening in Demark on the 10th and 11th of September.