Archive for tag: education

Baltic hub gender equality and diversity

Baltic HUB is ready to greet new members

The Baltic hub is based in Vilnius, Lithuania, and covers all three Baltic countries on the matter of the gender equality and diversity in the field o...

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Focus group codesigning activities

Empathy module final day

Last week, on the 18th and 19th of February, we had our students presenting their prototype to our group of elders. An evaluation from the elders was ...

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TInnGO UK hub empathy module for product design students

The UK Hub’s empathy module at Coventry University

TInnGO’s UK Hub is delivering an empathy module for product design students at Coventry University between January and February this year. In partners...

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TInnGO Italian Hub attends the event “She hacks Polito 2020 escaping stereotypes”

TInnGO Italian Hub attended the event “She hacks Polito 2020 escaping stereotypes” organised by Politecnico di Torino to present the initi...

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We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.