GaDAP Explanatory video – Romanian Hub



  • Topic: Promoting women entrepreneurship in smart mobility
  • Location: Romania

Find out more about the Romanian hub here.

Most of Romanian Hub work within the TinnGO project happened and still happens under the sign of CHANGE. And so is our Gender and Diversity Action Plan, built to create a major change in the traditional way people in Romania and Eastern Europe are used to see women in transport and STEM. Together with our partner INTECO, who is the national coordinator of the Romanian Hub, and the main stakeholders in Alba Iulia and Bucharest in the field of urban mobility, we are following the vision of the Romanian Hub: promoting women entrepreneurship in smart mobility.

The activity performed by Alba Iulia Hub is focused on promoting and protecting gender equality at the local level, by integrating the gender perspective into all activities and actions performed by the Municipality as a public authority, following the provisions of the Romanian and European law. The accession of Alba Iulia Municipality to the European Charter of Equality between Women and Men in Local Life is our main achievement so far within the TInnGO project. We are now planning to integrate the gender equality concept within the local development strategies of the Municipality to further facilitate specific projects in this field. More specifically, we are talking about the Integrated Urban Development Strategy, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Alba Iulia Smart City Strategy and potential future strategies, which include smart mobility projects. We also focus on local workshops, and surveys to achieve the objectives of the TInnGO project. We are very aware there is a long and hard way to go, but we’re also proud of being the change starters.

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