Floridea Di Ciommo – Italy



  • Title: Something has been done…but there is a lot still to do!
  • Location: Italy

Floridea Di Ciommo has a PhD in Transport and Urban Planning from ParisTech, and a MSc. in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan. She is currently the Co-Director of the cooperative research centre cambiaMO | changing MObility. She has extensive academic experience on travel behaviour modelling and transport assessment in various academic institutions and with different government authorities.

She is currently working on several national and European research programmes such as Inclusive Digital Mobility Solutions (INDIMO), a United Nations Development programme on Transport Equity Analysis (TEA, TU 1209) centring on transport assessment, and the EU Wise-Act Cost Action on Autonomous and Connected Transport initiative. Thanks to her research expertise on equity, travel demand modelling and gender approaches, she has been chosen to participate in two Transportation Research Board (TRB) standing committees on Traveller Behaviour and Values, and Women and Gender in Transportation, and she is the Chair of the subcommittee on Behavioural Processes: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods.

She used to work in academia at the ENPC-ParisTech, the French Institute of Urbanism, the UPM-Technical University of Madrid where she developed her research work on social capital and travel habits, UPC-BarcelonaTech and at the OECD on accessibility and needs in transport. Her special research focus is understanding the nexus between travel behaviour and equity issues. Now she mainly works in the area of mobility needs (a key issue in times of pandemic), transport poverty and the inclusion of digital mobility services. All her research work has a gender-based focus. She is currently working on defining a new method for mainstreaming gender data through a Diversity Equity Inclusive tool, with her US colleague Sheila Mitra.

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