The Media Production Group of the Technische Universität Ilmenau ( production/) has over 15 year experiences in the conception, design and evaluation of user interfaces and technology as well as user centered design and human factors. In recent years, this field of expertise has specialized on mobility. The media production group has worked in several national and European research projects in the mobility sector with a main focus on intermodal travel chains, analysis and design of user centered design of touchpoints along the travel chain, service design with regard of special mobility user groups, mobility patterns for special personas along intermodal travel chains and user centered design of learning environments for employees and stakeholders in the context of public transport.
The media production group unifies experts from the areas of:
- Conception and evaluation of user-oriented systems,
- User friendly design and visualization,
- Hard- and software ergonomics,
- Usability engineering and testing,
- Empirical and social research methods.

Prof. Heidi Krömker
Prof. Dr. Heidi Krömker is Professor for „Media Production” at the Technische Universität Ilmenau with a research emphasis on “Human Computer Interaction”, “User centered Mobility” and “Digital Learning Environments” since 2001 and head of the Institute of Media Technology since 2014. She led the User Interface Design Center of Corporate Technology for Siemens from 1995 to 2001.
The international and interdisciplinary User Interface Design Team is active in the following fields:
- International applications with new media for industry, energy, information and communication and medical technology
- Research and development projects for the subjects “Augmented Reality”, “Intelligent Agents”, “Internet”
- Intercultural creation of new media in the User Interface Design Labs in China (Beijing), USA (New York / Princeton) and Germany (Munich) for Siemens Inc.
- As her study of sociology would suggest, she also led various projects, such as “Usability in Software Development Processes”, development of “Rules for Shaping User Interfaces”, and the “Introduction of the Usability Concept in the Siemens Company.”

Sebastian Spundflasch
Sebastian Spundflasch studied Media Technology at the Technische Universität Ilmenau.
Since 2012 he is employed as a research fellow at Technische Universität Ilmenau in the Media Production Group and is currently working on the projects “TInnGO” and “SUITS – Sustainable Urban Integrated transport Systems”.

Cathleen Schöne
Cathleen Schöne studied Communication and Media Sciences at the Universität Leipzig.
Since 2018 she is employed as a research fellow at Technische Universität Ilmenau in the Media Production Group and is currently working on the projects “TInnGO” and “diBAss – Digital Blended Assistance for cognitively impaired people”.
Plan & Rat is a planning and consulting office with a focus on municipal transport planning and expert’s activities in research and development projects. Active since 1995, its activities focus on integrative, social and environmental transport planning. The company conducts basic research on the topics of mobility and cycling promotion, mobility education/safety at school, mobility for children, gender planning, studies on traffic safety and the requirements of non-motorized road users. Plan & Rat has specific experience with qualitative survey methods, concepts and the moderation of participation processes.
The company, represented by Mrs. Juliane Krause, brings a large German-wide network into the project consisting of representatives of numerous municipalities, transport planning offices, research institutions, local administrations, representatives of the city and regional development, political actors, gender representatives, civil associations and politicians.
Ms. Juliane Krause is a member of the Research Society for Roads and Transport (FGSV). In the FGSV she heads the working group “Gender and Mobility”, is a member of the committee “Fundamental Issues of Transport Planning” and the working group “Cycling”.

Juliane Krause
Juliane Krause is the owner of Plan & Rat a bureau for municipal planning and consulting. She has been working as a freelance traffic planner since 1985 and has participated in numerous projects for municipal clients in the field of integrative urban and traffic planning and communication. She organizes workshops, gives lectures and produces expert opinions and publications in the field of mobility and gender mainstreaming.
She is a lecturer at the Rhein Main University of Applied Sciences in the faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Mobility Management on the subject of “mobility and sustainability” (social dimension of mobility). Since 1994 she has been chairperson of the Gender and Mobility Working Group and is a member of numerous other working groups in the mobility sector.
A detailed description of her activities in the area of gender and mobility can be found under: