TInnGO at the European Transport Conference

TInnGO at the European Transport Conference

TInnGO at the European Transport Conference

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TInnGO project was present at the 48th European Transport Conference, organised by the Association for European Transport. The conference was supposed to be at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy), but it has been proposed in an online format keeping its unique identity of a multi-disciplinary, multi-seminar format. The significant number of sessions dealing with gender and diversity in transport showed a great interest of the research community on the topics.

The presentation “Gender aspects in transport systems and mobility services” was assigned to the session “Gender and Transport” chaired by Ines Kawgan-Kagan on Thursday September 10th at 15:30. Activities conducted in WP7 “Data Analysis and Modelling”, including a reference to the TInnGO survey, have been presented by Miriam Pirra of Politecnico di Torino. The session was the occasion to exchange ideas and current trends on the topic and present the contribution of the TInnGO project.

A paper, co-authored by Miriam Pirra, Ana Rita Lynce, Sofia Kalakou, Marco Diana, Mariana Costa, Angela Carboni, will be part of the ETC conference proceedings, that are available at this link.

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