Survey for women entrepreneurs and businesswomen in Smart Mobility and transport

Survey for women entrepreneurs and businesswomen in Smart Mobility and transport

Survey for women entrepreneurs and businesswomen in Smart Mobility and transport

UK hub survey for women entrepreneurs and businesswomen

TInnGO is recruiting women participants who work in the field of Smart Mobility and transport for interviews. Your views, opinions and experience would help us collect data about gender and diversity issues in the field of Smart Mobility and transport. This research will help us to

·          Showcase achievements

·          Identify key successful factors

·          Show how gender barriers and stereotypes were overcome

·          Inspire women to become integrated into the transport ecosystem.

This research is part of the Transport Innovation Gender Observatory, a game-changer project in the UK and European transport. More of our objectives can be accessed here.

Andree Woodcock, Professor at Coventry University, is leading this research. Before you decide to take part it is important you understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. We have included a participant information sheet which you should read first. The information sheet can be download here. If you are happy to participate, please download and fill both our questionnaire and consent form. All your information will remain anonymous and will be destroyed by the end of the research. The links to the questionnaire, information sheet and consent is at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to the research team, please contact us through If you prefer, we can also be available for phone and/or Skype interviews, booked through the same email. Thank you for considering our research. We’d be most grateful to receive your contact and answers by the end of February.

Participation information sheet and consent form: download
Questionnaire: download

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