Plans for ensuring gender equality in Spanish companies: how to implement them?

Plans for ensuring gender equality in Spanish companies: how to implement them?

Plans for ensuring gender equality in Spanish companies: how to implement them?

TInnGO breakfast gender and equality

The Packaging, Transport and Logistics Research Center (ITENE) will host on 18th December an event on how to implement plans for ensuring equality at work, according to the Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 of 1 March that defined urgent measures to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for women and men in employment and occupation.

To ensure this, it established that any company with more than 50 workers must carry out an equality plan and register it in the relevant ministry or autonomous community until March 2022 in companies with 50 to 100 workers, in 2021 in companies with 101 to 150 employees and next year if they have a workforce of between 151 and 250 workers.

In the case of transport, Europe employs 22% of women compared to 78% men and the salary is usually not equal for both genders, according to data from “Women in Transport – EU Platform for Change”, a platform of the European Commission.

This inequality has not been overlooked by companies and groups that are already working to promote employability in the sector through the development of equality plans and other measures. Aware of this, the European Union is supporting initiatives that promote the presence of women in transport through the Horizon 2020 programme.

This is the case of the European project TInnGO, which is developing a Transport Innovation Gender Observatory (TInnGO) with the aim of generating changes in the transport sector in Europe through an intelligent mobility strategy that is sensitive to gender differences.

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Find here the program of the event:


Innovative initiatives in the field of equality in education and business

What are equality plans worth?

Anna Perpinyà- Advisor to the Cabinet of Vice-presidency and the Regional Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies


Equality in the transport sector
Marta Serrano, Founder of Women in Movement

Equality plans in the transport sector
Virginia Castillo, Head of Labor Relations at FGV

Transport Innovation Gender Observatory: TInnGO
Mireia Calvo, ITENE Project Manager

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